Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria)

Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria)


Name Paraserianthes falcataria
Synonyms Sengon (laut), Moluca, Batai, Albizia, Jeungjing
Native Distribution Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands
Biology Up to 40m height, 100cm diameter, with spreading flat crown
Ecology Fast-growing pioneer
Habitat Often in secondary lowland rainforest and light montane forest, up to 1600m altitude; on a wide range of soils, alkaline to acid, but deep and well-drained, fertile soils such as friable clay loam

Heartwood whitish to pale pinkish, yellowish or reddish brown; not clearly demarcated from sapwood in young trees, in old trees more clearly; moderately coarse but even texture; soft and light-weight wood, density between 230 to 500 kg/m3; straight or interlocked grain; not durable, treatment recommended; 

APPLICATION: pulp and paper, light construction, furniture, packaging and pallets, wooden shoes, music instruments, veneer, plywood, particleboards, wood-wool boards, blockboards and hardboards, fuelwood

NTFPs Leaves are fodder for chickens and goats, bark has tanning properties
Services Erosion control, shade and shelter, nitrogen fixation,
Other Info Trees coppice well; suitable for reforestation and afforestation, sometimes used for agroforestry