Jabon (Anthocephalus Cadamba)

Jabon (Anthocephalus Cadamba)


Name Anthocephalus cadamba
Synonyms White Jabon, Kalempayan, Kadam, Kaatoan Bangkal
Native Distribution Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapor, Vietnam
Biology up to 45m height, ca. 100 cm diameter, straight bole and broad crown, sometimes buttresses
Ecology pioneer (species of early succession)
Habitat often in secondary forests; deep, moist, weel aerated, alluvial sites, often periodically flooded; well drained Entisols; 300-800m altitude, mean annual rainfall ca. 1600mm
Wood yellowish sapwood, barely differentiated from the heartwood; 290-560 kg/cu (15% moisture content); fine to medium texture; straight grain; low luster; no charakteristic odor or taste; wood is easy to process mannually or mechanically, cuts cleanly and is easy to nail; non-durable, but can easily be impregnated (for durability and increased densitiy/compressive strength); dries fast with little or no degrade;  APPLICATION: Plywood, light construction, pulp and paper, furniture components, traditionally for canoes
NTFPs edible fruit, fresh leaves serve as cattle fodder, good for apiculture (attracts pollinators), yellow dye from root bark, essential oil made of flowers, medical use of leaves and dried bark
Services soil improvements due to much litter, attracts pollinators, important shading tree along roads and in villages
Other Info suitable for reforestation and agroforestry