Name | Dyera costulata |
Synonyms | Jelutong |
native distribution | Indonesia, Malaysia |
Biology | 30-60m height, 150cm diameter, no buttresses |
Ecology | tall, dominant canopy tree |
Habitat | primary lowland or hill forest, up to 300m altitude; clayey to sandy soils, well drained; in secondary forests usually present as pre-disturbance remnant |
Wood | Heartwood initially white to yellowish brown, sapwood is not clearly distinguished; straight grain, occasionally interlocked; uniform medium to fine texture; good luster; average dried weight 465 kg/m3 (15% moisture content); not durable to perishable but readily permeable to preservatives; easy to work with manually or mechanically; nailing is poor; distinct sour odor while beeing processed; easy to dry with little tendency to split or warp; APPLICATION: interior joinery, blockboard, veneer, for furniture, patternmaking, carving, small specialty wood items (e.g. pencils, picture frames, wooden shoes) |
NTFPs | Latex is used for chewing gums, linoleum and insulation of electric cables; resinous fruits are used for medical purposes, also used as torches or burnt as mosquito repellent; roots are a substitude for cork; |
Other Info | may cause skin irritation when processed; no CITES restriction |