Analysis of potential timber species in East Africa

The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how we selected local, fast-growing wood species. These species should have potential in the field of agroforestry as well as potential as timber for use as a building material. To achieve this objective, two sets of criteria have been put in place, criteria A and B. Criteria A relate more strictly speaking to selection as a material that can be used in the field of construction, whereas criteria B are more in the field of agroforestry.

In the rest of this article, you will have a more detailed overview of the criteria used as well as the selection process that was carried out to arrive at a final list of high-potential species.

Criteria A : based on the potential to become timber for material construction

Criteria A are separated into 5 categories A.1 to A.5. You will find the description of the criteria with their numbering, a precise description and the score assigned according to the characteristics of the species.

From there, points were assigned to each species and point totals were obtained. In the case of criteria A, depending on the number of points obtained, the species were given a colour that indicated the potential of the wood species. The percentage is calculated by comparing the number of points obtained to the total number of points, which is 30 for criteria A.

Criteria B : based on the potential to become agroforestry species

Criteria B are separated into 9 categories B.1 to B.9. You will find the description of the criteria with their numbering, a precise description and the score assigned according to the characteristics of the species.

From there, points were assigned to each species and point totals were obtained. In the case of criteria B, depending on the number of points obtained, the species were given a colour that indicated the potential of the wood species. The percentage is calculated by comparing the number of points obtained to the total number of points, which is 27 for criteria B.

List of the 10 high potential wood species

By combining and applying the different criteria on more than 34 wood species, we are now able to obtain which appear to be the 10 species with the greatest potential for use in the construction and forestry sectors.