The 2nd “Indonesian Lightwood Cooperation Forum“ was successfully conducted

During the 32nd trade expo in Jakarta, the second Indonesian Lightwood Cooperation Forum (ILCF) was held on October 12, 2017, which was organized by Fairventures together with the IPD (Import Promotion Desk), SIPPO (Swiss Import Promotion Program) and in cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Trade. About 80 participants joined the forum, which was characterized by the contribution of global actors in the lightwood sector.

Martin Stottele of the Swiss Embassy in Jakarta opened the forum, together with Djatmiko Bris Witjaksono from the Indonesian Ministry of Trade and  Rafael Teck from the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Jakarta. Speakers from Malaysia, Germany, the United States of America and Indonesia were invited.

While Jana Stange (BHB) and Klaus Goecke (Consultant IPD) gave insights into the field of export of lightwood and related expectations and opportunities in European markets, Paul Horoszowski (PT ABP) presented the potential of wooden houses made of lightwood in Indonesia on a model project.

In the afternoon, Jeshua Sadeli (Woodlam Indonesia) presented his vision of a prospective closer collaboration between different stakeholders in the lightwood sector, while Zakiah Ahmad (University Technology MARA, Malaysia) introduced technical timber construction with lightwood in Malaysia. Afterwards, Ahmad Djuhara (Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia) took the guests on a journey from the past into the future of timber construction in the area of Indonesian architecture.

At the end of the forum the speakers exchanged ideas and thoughts relating to possibilities and challenges in the lightwood sector, developing concrete ideas for next steps to jointly promote the development of the sector. During the panel discussion, the speakers were also able to address and answer a wide range of questions from the audience.

The ILCF as a platform bringing different stakeholders from the lightwood sector worldwide together and thus promoting the sector’s development especially in Indonesia, was successful for the second time in a row. A follow-up of the forum is planned for 2018.

The ILCF is an event that takes place within the framework of the FVW project “Rehabilitation of degraded land with native tree species in Kalimantan”. This project is part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI) and is supported by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB).

Have a look at some of the presentations: Ahmad Djuhara, Paul Horoszowski, Jana Stange and Klaus Goecke.