Lightwood is an incredible material which has huge potential for the future. Indonesia is the leading country worldwide in producing and exporting plywood and blockboards from lightwood. Fast growing lightwood is abundantly available. To benefit from this potential, the timber industry has to explore possibilities beyond classical commodities.
This is why we are proud that we have been able to realize the third Indonesian Lightwood Cooperation Forum together with our partners MoT, ILWA, SIPPO and IPD .
The program this year was different compared to ILCF.1 and 2. The Opening ceremony included the signing of the “Indonesian Timber Council” collaboration between seven timber and furniture associations. In order to highlight this momentous step, the event included a dance performance and lightshow.
The official opening of the event was conducted by Ms. Arlinda, the Director General of DGNED at the Trade Ministry. She confirmed that the lightwood sector is now a priority sector at the ministry and that the ministry has given a recommendation to the president of Indonesia to streamline and support this sector even more in the future.
The first content-driven session then was about raw material and resources with the speakers being Johannes Schwegler from Fairventures Worldwide gGmbH and Mr. Heru Jhudiarto from ILWA. The second session was about market and application with the speakers being Klaus Goecke from Holzbauberatung and Morten Lind, a Buyer from Denmark.