This Event was held at Serena hotel Nairobi on the 28th of June 2022 hosted by Gatsby Africa. Representatives from the forestry sector, furniture industry, and government institutions from Kenya and Uganda were in attendance. The event was organized into various sessions representing sections of the wood value chain from […]
Indonesia has achieved a positive trend of export growth in a variety of products and services in the global market for the past few years. To keep on improving national export performance, the Ministry of Trade has been proactive in inviting and bringing in buyers and investors for a direct […]
During the 36th Trade Expo Indonesia, Fairventures together with ILWA (Indonesian Light Wood Association), IPD (Import Promotion Desk), SIPPO (Swiss Import Promotion Program), and in cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Trade once again organized the sixth Indonesian Lightwood Cooperation Forum (ILCF) that was held on November 1, 2021 in […]
The Project What you can see in the picture below is an artistic demonstration of what fast-growing timber can be used for, right behind two of our amazing colleagues. This construction was built by Fairventures Worldwide in 2019, as a first showcase of just one application of the so-called “Glulam” […]
Date: 21st October to the 4th of November 2020 (Online Interactive)21st October to the 20th of December 2020 (Showcase) Participation is free!Indonesia has achieved a positive trend of export growth in a variety of products and services to the global market for the past few years. Reacting to the situation concerning […]
Nothing but excited whispers and camera flashes when the Indonesian President Joko Widodo walks down the aisle towards our booth that we realized with our partners Indonesian Lightwood Association (ILWA), Minestry of Trade (MoT) and Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO). The Trade Expo Indonesia is a fare that displays Indonesias […]
October is coming soon and so is the largest trade fair in Jakarta, Indonesia, which will take place from 11 to 15 October. For the second time, Fairventures will be present with a booth, together with partners such as the Import Promotion Desk (IPD), SIPPO, the Indonesian Ministry of Trade and […]
At the 31st trade fair in Jakarta, Indonesia, Fairventures appeared with a booth of lightwood. In collaboration with respective partners from the German Import Promotion Desk, the Indonesian Barecore Association, PIKA and the Indonesian Ministry of Trade, the potential of lightwood in regards to product innovation was promoted. People got […]